lunedì 7 dicembre 2020



di Alessia Castelli

Faber est suae quisque fortunae (Each one is the creator of his own destiny) so narrated Sallustio in his great wisdom. One looks at the present and at everything that has materially materialized and realized. Destiny is not an artifice fallen from the sky like a gift from the Gods. Still, it is believing in one’s own dream and living it day by day amidst the stubbornness of wanting to realize it enriched by that pinch of healthy madness that every great leader, after all, has in his DNA and that distinguishes him than in all that he accomplishes.

Talking and discussing pleasantly with Samantha Chichi, today an established and successful entrepreneur, she made her dream come true and allowed him to feel like a woman fulfilled from a professional but above all human point of view since successful entrepreneurs have the 360-degree human relationship as their absolute priority. We talk about her childhood living in the splendid land of Piedmont, her dreams, her humble family native from South Italy (father from Sicily and mother from Basilicata) rich in affection and values that in a superior concept, are the real added value that has made Samantha today the Lady that everyone knows today: determined, categorical, resolute but at the same time rich in humanity and humility. She tells us anecdotes that have marked her personal and professional growth… we smile when she tells us about the summer at the seaside where it was customary to buy the magazine “Millionaire” which told stories of successful entrepreneurs and in which she saw the prospect of her future: becoming a successful entrepreneur. Hence her targeted studies, her degree in management engineering, which then literally catapulted her into international contexts that were a great professional gymnasium for her, but above all, a great gym of life. These managerial experiences finally revealed her innermost need… to create a successful company that would be based on values and love of others. A noble cause, it would be easy to say, but his vision and mission were clear: to help people improve the quality of their lives. Thus was born its reality that in a short time managed to carve out a niche clientele on an international level: Nightingold. Nightingold, the exclusive bed pillow, created to guarantee a unique and personalized sleeping experience, capable of improving the quality of rest and giving energy from the moment you wake up. Nightingold has the ambition to reinterpret the concept of sleeping well, giving dignity to an element that is still too undervalued today: the bed pillow. The pillow is a fundamental element to be able to rest well, and it is the protagonist of disturbed nights, those in which you cannot find peace and from which you wake up exhausted and sore. The Nightingold is not just a pillow but a resting experience. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to satisfy the sleeping tastes of every single person, making it a special place on which to stretch out and rest one’s face, guaranteeing a sensory experience in a wider sense, and respecting the biometric rules necessary to eliminate muscular tension around the neck and beyond. Each Nightingold is tailor-made for each individual person. Through a very detailed investigation process, we help our clients to understand how they sleep, what they love and what relaxes them. We offer real advice to understand, together with the client, what his pillow should look like, what will allow him to wake up active and willing to face even the toughest challenges without ever losing the calm and smiles, those that deserve those who love him.  Always sensitive and close to what the company defines as noble causes, Samantha has started a partnership with the Lions Club International association, with which she began the campaign in support of the Lions House of Cagliari, a Sardinian structure created to welcome cancer patients and their families, even though to all intents and purposes today it houses patients suffering from different pathologies which have to spend long periods in Cagliari. Casa Lions di Cagliari was founded in the early ’90s, thanks to the “Milliardo” that the Cagliari Lions group was able to collect at that time to buy the land and build the property. Since 1994 it has been managed directly by Lions members. The newborn project sees Nightingold alongside the Lions, united to give a smile to children who have childhood cancer, and not only. The project foresees the creation, inside the residence, of a play structure for the use of sick children or children with parents in residence, who are also forced to spend long periods there. It is a way to give joyful moments to children whose childhood is certainly not jovial. We ask you to express one last thought at the end of this very pleasant interview: “I have decided not to lose the chance to dream and plan my future. And this is why we have decided to continue in this adventure: Improving the quality of people’s lives is really my mission. We improve the quality of rest for our clients, and together with them, we give carefree moments to those who need it so much. A world today that needs love, values and dreams”.



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